KUALA LUMPUR,, The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC) confirmed that no compound will be imposed on tour guides who have submitted licence renewal applications within the specified period and are still awaiting approval and authorisation cards from the ministry. MOTAC in a statement today said that tour guides are required to contact the state MOTAC office for further information and to ensure that they are not subject to any legal action while waiting for the renewal to be completed. "Besides, MOTAC also recommends licensed tour guides to attend competency-enhancing courses such as the Continuing Tourism Related Education (CTRE) course as a prerequisite for licence renewal as well as submit licence renewal applications within the prescribed period in accordance with Section 32, Act 482. "This CTRE course is an ongoing training or course that aims to increase knowledge and improve the quality of tourist guide services," according to the statement. However, the ministry said that tour guides wh o operate without a valid licence or with an expired licence and have not submitted an application for renewal may be subject to legal action. According to MOTAC, it takes a serious view of tourist guide services that operate without a licence or whose licence has recently expired. Through the Integrated Operation of Tourism Vehicles and Public Service Vehicles implemented since July 2, a total of 12 inspection notices have been issued under Section 21, Tourism Industry Act 1992 (Act 482). Section 21, Act 482 provides that no person shall act, or hold himself out, as a tour guide unless he is licensed under the act. Violation of the provision is a legal offence and can be fined not more than RM7,000 or imprisoned not more than two years or both. All new license applications and licence renewals can be submitted online through the Tourism Licensing and Enforcement System (TOURLIST) on the website (http://www.tourlist.gov.my). If no response is received, applicants are advised to contact MOTAC for further assistance. Source: BERNAMA News Agency