
PUTRAJAYA, Members of the public have been urged to be wary of scam tactics involving the dissemination of fake videos and images or deepfakes created using artificial intelligence (AI) technology, said Minister of Communications Fahmi Fadzil. Speaking at the Ministry of Communications' monthly assembly here today, he said that while the use of AI indeed helps the country's development, some parties are misusing the technology. 'Datuk Seri Siti Nurhaliza in an Instagram post several days ago showed a WhatsApp video call that seemed as if she was talking, when it is actually a live deepfake. 'AI can be used for good and evil. We need to be cautious of the information received and ensure that any video received is genuine or produced through an AI application,' he said. As such, Fahmi also called on the Malaysian National News Agency (Bernama) and Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) to publicise and educate the public on the dangers of scam tactics using AI deepfakes. Yesterday, the country's number-one singe r reportedly revealed the latest tactic used by scammers believed to be using AI technology to imitate her voice and face for profit. Meanwhile, Fahmi said he will meet with representatives of all social media platforms in Singapore later this month to discuss several matters, including the dangers of AI on their platforms. 'I hope the issue of AI-generated deepfakes can be addressed by Meta, as WhatsApp is under Meta's responsibility,' he said. At the same time, he also suggested that all ministries utilise AI in their tasks and requested the Tun Abdul Razak Broadcasting and Information Institute (IPPTAR) to coordinate courses on the technology. 'AI can help not only in creating content but also in several other aspects such as in tasks involving coding, programming, data analysis, and other areas where AI can be beneficial,' he said. Also present at the assembly were the Communications Ministry secretary-general Datuk Mohamad Fauzi Md Isa, Bernama chief executive chairman Nur-ul Afida Kamaludin and edi tor-in-chief Arul Rajoo Durar Raj. Source: BERNAMA News Agency