
KUALA LUMPUR: As news organisations grapple with the currents of change in the world of information dissemination, including digital transformation, journalism ethics remains a cornerstone for them to stay relevant. The Malaysian National News Agency (Bernama), which celebrates its 57th anniversary on May 20, continues to ensure that its staff adhere strictly to journalism ethics to maintain the credibility of the Bernama brand despite the rapidly changing media and news reporting landscape. Bernama Chief Executive Officer Nur-ul Afida Kamaludin said that Bernama journalists must uphold the Malaysian Code of Ethics for Journalists as their guide while fulfilling their responsibility to produce news reports that are balanced, fair and of integrity. She said a deep understanding of the ethics in news reporting among journalists can shape their identity, enabling them to produce comprehensive and accurate news while avoiding the spread of false information. 'With Bernama's news, those who doubt information f rom other sources can use our reports for comparison. I hope journalists continue to uphold and practise journalism ethics. This has been ingrained in me for the past 40 years,' she said. '… in becoming journalists who practise ethics in every task, I hope Bernama journalists can be exemplars of how this profession should be conducted professionally, with dignity and with integrity. 'That is important because we write only the truth - not to make a name for ourselves, not to be the first to report, but to report what is authentic and accurate,' she said. She hoped that Bernama journalists would maintain a higher level of awareness as the profession plays a significant role in contributing to national development. Nur-ul Afida also reminded Bernama employees to perform their duties well, thereby helping the government and country achieve their aspirations for the benefit of the people and national development. Meanwhile, she said Bernama is collaborating with foreign news agencies and local higher educati on institutions to ensure the organisation continuously evolves to face the challenges posed by rapid technological advancements, including artificial intelligence (AI) in today's media landscape. 'Alhamdulillah, we have explored AI technology and formed a strategic partnership with Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), particularly in developing a data analysis system which includes AI elements within this planning. 'We are also exposing our sub-editors and journalists to AI technology, and insya-Allah, in the future, we will try to incorporate these elements into every aspect of our tasks, including editing and translation,' she said. However, she said the use of this technology at Bernama does not mean complete reliance on AI but aims to facilitate and expedite the work of the staff. Touching on Bernama's collaborations with foreign news agencies, including China's Xinhua News Agency, Nur-ul Afida said this proves that Bernama remains a reference point in the media world, especially in terms of new s, photo and visual exchanges. The country's sole news agency, through Bernama TV, also recently collaborated with China Global Television Network (CGTN) to produce three special documentaries in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of Malaysia-China diplomatic relations this year. Apart from this, Bernama has established strategic partnerships with higher education institutions including Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) and UniSZA to empower university students in journalism and the media industry. Through these partnerships, educators from these institutions can provide insights and expertise, serving as a resource for Bernama to enhance the quality of its news reporting services. Bernama was established under an Act of Parliament on April 6, 1967 and officially launched on Aug 30, 1967 in conjunction with the 10th anniversary of the country's independence. The news agency began operations on May 20, 1968. Over its more than five d ecades of establishment, Bernama, through its news wires, television and radio channels, and digital platforms, has operated based on its founding objectives to provide and widely disseminate accurate, fair and impartial news and information for preserving national interests. Source: BERNAMA News Agency



KUALA LUMPUR: As news organisations grapple with the currents of change in the world of information dissemination, including digital transformation, journalism ethics remains a cornerstone for them to stay relevant. The Malaysian National News Agency (Bernama), which celebrates its 57th anniversary on May 20, continues to ensure that its staff adhere strictly to journalism ethics to maintain the credibility of the Bernama brand despite the rapidly changing media and news reporting landscape. Bernama Chief Executive Officer Nur-ul Afida Kamaludin said that Bernama journalists must uphold the Malaysian Code of Ethics for Journalists as their guide while fulfilling their responsibility to produce news reports that are balanced, fair and of integrity. She said a deep understanding of the ethics in news reporting among journalists can shape their identity, enabling them to produce comprehensive and accurate news while avoiding the spread of false information. 'With Bernama's news, those who doubt information f rom other sources can use our reports for comparison. I hope journalists continue to uphold and practise journalism ethics. This has been ingrained in me for the past 40 years,' she said. '… in becoming journalists who practise ethics in every task, I hope Bernama journalists can be exemplars of how this profession should be conducted professionally, with dignity and with integrity. 'That is important because we write only the truth - not to make a name for ourselves, not to be the first to report, but to report what is authentic and accurate,' she said. She hoped that Bernama journalists would maintain a higher level of awareness as the profession plays a significant role in contributing to national development. Nur-ul Afida also reminded Bernama employees to perform their duties well, thereby helping the government and country achieve their aspirations for the benefit of the people and national development. Meanwhile, she said Bernama is collaborating with foreign news agencies and local higher educati on institutions to ensure the organisation continuously evolves to face the challenges posed by rapid technological advancements, including artificial intelligence (AI) in today's media landscape. 'Alhamdulillah, we have explored AI technology and formed a strategic partnership with Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), particularly in developing a data analysis system which includes AI elements within this planning. 'We are also exposing our sub-editors and journalists to AI technology, and insya-Allah, in the future, we will try to incorporate these elements into every aspect of our tasks, including editing and translation,' she said. However, she said the use of this technology at Bernama does not mean complete reliance on AI but aims to facilitate and expedite the work of the staff. Touching on Bernama's collaborations with foreign news agencies, including China's Xinhua News Agency, Nur-ul Afida said this proves that Bernama remains a reference point in the media world, especially in terms of new s, photo and visual exchanges. The country's sole news agency, through Bernama TV, also recently collaborated with China Global Television Network (CGTN) to produce three special documentaries in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of Malaysia-China diplomatic relations this year. Apart from this, Bernama has established strategic partnerships with higher education institutions including Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) and UniSZA to empower university students in journalism and the media industry. Through these partnerships, educators from these institutions can provide insights and expertise, serving as a resource for Bernama to enhance the quality of its news reporting services. Bernama was established under an Act of Parliament on April 6, 1967 and officially launched on Aug 30, 1967 in conjunction with the 10th anniversary of the country's independence. The news agency began operations on May 20, 1968. Over its more than five d ecades of establishment, Bernama, through its news wires, television and radio channels, and digital platforms, has operated based on its founding objectives to provide and widely disseminate accurate, fair and impartial news and information for preserving national interests. Source: BERNAMA News Agency