
KUALA LUMPUR, Book banks are being set up in every public library in selected states to gather reading materials donated by the public for distribution to Tamil National Type Schools (SJKT) nationwide, Deputy Unity Minister Saraswathy Kandasami said. She said the book banks, starting today, will accept reading materials in various languages and encouraged everyone to contribute books that are still usable and suitable for SJKT students. 'These book banks will remain open until August 31 in several selected states, including Perlis, Penang, Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Melaka, Johor and Kuala Lumpur, facilitating public donations at these locations,' she said. Saraswathy was speaking at the book donation ceremony for Tamil National Type Schools and the launch of the 'Dariku Untukmu' Book Bank programme, which was also attended by National Library (PNM) director-general Salasiah Abdul Wahab. The 'Dariku Untukmu' programme, organised by PNM and the Unity Ministry in collaboration with the Malaysian Tamil Literar y Association, aims to enhance the reading material collections at SJKTs nationwide and foster awareness and interest in reading among the younger generation. Saraswathy said each donated reading material will be carefully screened before distribution to ensure its suitability for the students at SJKTs. She said the initiative has already received 100 book donations from PNM and an additional 14 from the Malaysian Tamil Literary Association. Saraswathy also stressed the numerous benefits of reading, including enhancing mental acuity and broadening knowledge. She said PNM will continue to promote reading activities across all segments of society to instill a culture of daily reading, in line with the Malaysia MADANI vision championed by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Source: BERNAMA News Agency