DA regains control over NIA


President Rodrigo Roa Duterte has signed an executive order (EO) bringing back the National Irrigation Administration (NIA) under the control of the Department of Agriculture (DA).

Duterte signed EO 168 on April 25, transferring the NIA from the Office of the President (OP) to the DA.

“Due to the effects of climate change and the Covid-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic, which significantly affected the state of food security in the Philippines, there is a need to optimize the country’s water resources to adapt to these challenges, and pave the way for the modernization and industrialization of the agricultural sector,” the EO read.

The EO also emphasizes the need to integrate relevant agencies such as the NIA in the agricultural sector “in the fulfillment of their complementary governmental mandates.”

Under EO 168, the Governance Commission for the Government-Owned or -Controlled Corporations (GCG) is directed to study the reorganization of the NIA Board of Directors.

The GCG is also mandated to submit to the OP, through the Executive Secretary, its recommendation on the reorganization of the NIA board members.

“Pending the submission by the GCG of its recommendation, the DA Secretary is hereby designated as Acting Chairman of the NIA Board,” EO 168 said.

The NIA, created by virtue of Republic Act 3601, serves as a body corporate tasked to ensure the expansion of irrigated farmlands to support crop production, increase the productivity of farmers, and stabilize the supply of farm commodities.

In 2014, EO 165 was signed to transfer the supervision and control of the NIA from the DA to OP.

“All orders, rules and regulations, and issuances or parts thereof inconsistent with this Order are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly,” the order read. “In the event that any provision of this Order or any part thereof is declared invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, the provisions not affected thereby shall remain in full force and effect.”

EO 168 takes effect immediately.

Source: Philippines News Agency

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