Govt To Speed Up Flood Aid For Kedah Rice Farmers


PENDANG, The government will seek to speed up the distribution of initial aid through the Padi Crop Disaster Fund (TBTP) for farmers affected by recent floods in Kedah. Agriculture and Food Security Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu said the preliminary loss estimate of the affected agricultural sector was about RM40 million. However, the ministry is still conducting a comprehensive study to identify the actual loss incurred. "The loss includes rice crops (the highest), vegetables, land-based fishermen whose ponds were destroyed by the flood and cattle farms. "In early November, the prime minister will chair a meeting related to food security. Perhaps we can include (in the meeting) the emergency flood situation in Kedah ...the (country's) rice granary area must be given special attention," he said. He told reporters this after presenting the MADANI Food Basket to padi farmers, farmers, and cattle rearers affected by the flood at the C-III Tajar Area Farmers Association today. A total of 2,074 padi farme rs and agricultural operators under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security Inc (KPKM) Kedah, affected by the floods last month, received contributions in the form of food baskets containing various essential items. Mohamad said some 6,000 hectares of rice crop areas were affected by flooding in mid-September. The unforeseen circumstances damaged the rice waiting to be harvested, resulting in a rice supply shortage in the country. He said that as a long-term preparation to overcome the lack of rice supply, primarily from natural disasters, KPKM will request the government allocate some RM400 million in the 2025 Budget to improve the infrastructure and drainage system for areas outside the rice-growing areas. "The Muda Agricultural Development Authority (MADA) has its own long-term project ... we must also improve the infrastructure of the area outside the rice growing areas, especially in relation to drainage and irrigation (of rice field areas)," he said. In addition, he said the KPKM's desire to m ake Sabah and Sarawak the country's second rice granary after Kedah is hopefully realised. "Yesterday I was in Miri, Sarawak... The Premier of Sarawak announced making Sarawak second 'rice bowl' with an initial allocation of RM500 million, to overcome the rice shortage problem," he said. Based on MADA's latest statistics regarding the Submerged Rice Monitoring Report in Muda Areas up to Sept 29, ??5,915.53 hectares of padi areas were affected by floods involving 2,928 MADA rice farmers in Kedah and Perlis. The government provided aid through TBTP to ease the burden on padi farmers, with the amount subject to the padi's age. The estimated aid value ranges from RM876 to RM1,800 per hectare, and each eligible padi farmer is limited to ??three hectares for one planting season. Source: BERNAMA News Agency