
KUALA LUMPUR, The Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM) has launched a series of infographics on Hifz Al-Mal (Islamic Family Wealth Management) aimed at disseminating information and serving as a guide to the public. Its director-general Assoc Prof Datuk Dr Mohamed Azam Mohamed Adil said the idea to create the series arose after the institute successfully conducted several courses on Islamic family wealth management methods for the public since 2019. According to him, the IKIM Publishing Committee agreed to enhance and refine the informative and engaging notes used in the courses to be compiled and improved into the first infographic guidebook on wealth planning and management published by IKIM. "When fully completed, this infographic series will encompass six topics, and today's launch involves three topics, namely 'Hibah' (Gift), 'Harta Sepencarian' (Matrimonial Property), and 'Wasiat' (Will). "This series is developed by a group of contributors consisting of Syariah Court judges, syariah l awyers, lecturers, administrative officers, and IKIM officers," he said when launching the infographic series here today. Mohamed Azam hopes that the publication of three more topics in the infographic series can be implemented in the second half of this year. He expressed appreciation and gratitude to the Negeri Sembilan Islamic Religious Council for fully funding the publication of the infographic series. Meanwhile, he also announced the publication of three books entitled 'Wahai Anak Muda!', 'Vaksinasi dari Perspektif Sains dan Islam' and 'Islam dan Isu Makanan Kontemporari', scheduled to be launched by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na'im Mokhtar this Friday. The launch will take place at the World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur (WTCKL) here, in conjunction with the Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair 2024 (KLIBF 2024) which runs until June 2, with IKIM offering its published books at two booths on the fourth floor of the building. IKIM is organising various activities for visitors including meet and greet sessions with IKIMfm radio personalities, live talk show 'Acara Dari Konti ke Pentas' and 'Slot Refleksi Buku' with authors or book editors. Source: BERNAMA News Agency