Kuching City Draw 2-2 With Penang, Negeri Sembilan Lose To PDRM At Home


KUCHING, Kuching City FC could only manage a 2-2 draw at home against Penang FC in their Super League match at the State Stadium here today. Both teams were quite balanced during the first half until Penang FC's Brazillian sriker Neto Oliveira scored off a pass from Nik Akif Syahiran Nik Mat in the 36th minute, while teammate Rodrigo Dias tucked in an easy goal thanks to Neto's free kick five minutes later. Kuching City came back strong in the second half, successfully overcoming the two goal deficit with a blistering goal by substitute Nur Shamie Iszuan Amin in the 69th minute followed by a goal from Tchetche Kipre in front of Penang FC's goal after keeper Sikh Izhan Nazrel Sikh Azman deflected Kuching City midfielder Mohamad Alif Hassan's free kick in the 79th minute. In SEREMBAN, Negeri Sembilan FC succumbed to their sixth Super League defeat when they lost 1-2 to PDRM FC at Tuanku Abdul Rahman Paroi Stadium. Negeri Sembilan managed to take the lead when R Barathkumar scored in the 45th minute after h e capitalised on a mistake by PDRM captain Faith Friday when he cleared the ball from the penalty box directly to his opponent's feet. The hosts' joy was short-lived as the visitors equalised through Muhammad Shahrel Fikri Md Fauzi in the 53rd minute, and Bruno Suzuki managed to secure victory when he pounced on a loose ball by the side of Fadi Mahmood Awad Salleh five minutes later to beat keeper Muhamad Aqil Abdul Razak. Source: BERNAMA News Agency