Locals urged to surrender cocaine washed up in Eastern Samar


The Philippine National Police on Monday urged residents in Eastern Samar to turn over any suspected illegal drugs dumped in the sea following the recent recovery of PHP111.85 million worth of cocaine. Eastern Samar Police Provincial Office Director, Col. Jose Manuel Payos, told reporters that turning over contrabands to authorities would keep civilians safe from being charged with violation of the Comprehensive Drugs Act and a possible penalty of life imprisonment. Payos made the appeal after a fisher found 20 bricks of cocaine wrapped in plastic being washed in the coastal waters of Arteche town on March 8. The fisherman immediately reported the incident to the local government of Arteche. Through confirmatory testing on March 9 by the Eastern Visayas police regional office forensic unit, the 21.19 kilograms of illegal substance were confirmed to be cocaine with a market value of PHP111.85 million. Brig. Gen. Owen Andarino, PNP Eastern Visayas deputy director for administration, said they are steppin g up efforts to recover all cocaine washed up in Eastern Samar. The police regional office has already coordinated with the PNP's Maritime Police and the Philippine Coast Guard to be on the lookout for more cocaine bricks floating in the coastal waters of Eastern Samar. It was not the first time that cocaine bricks were recovered in the seas of Eastern Samar. From December 2009 to January 2010, some PHP235 million worth of cocaine were found floating in the seawaters of Llorente, San Policarpo, Maydolong, Balangkayan, Sulat, Dolores, Salcedo, Mercedes, Arteche, Taft and Borongan City. In 2018, a total of 25 bricks were also recovered on the islands of Sulangan and Homonhon in Guiuan town, with a total value of more than PHP31 million. 'The whole PNP is sending appreciation to the fishermen who turned over the contraband to authorities. Since this is the first time, we are sure he has an idea of what he found and its market value,' Andarino added. Arteche Mayor Roland Boie Evardone, for his part, said th e recovery of cocaine would help the government in preventing the distribution of these highly addictive illegal drugs. As a reward, Andarino handed the fisher PHP30,000 in cash. Arteche said the local government would pass a resolution to commend the local with a reward money amounting to PHP50,000. 'We are appealing to the people to help us recover this illegal substance. Don't hesitate to approach me, the village officials, the PNP, and the drug enforcement unit. We will support and protect you,' Evardone added. After the presentation at the police headquarters in Borongan City, the cocaine bricks were transported to the police regional office in Palo, Leyte and will be turned over to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA). The PDEA will then seek a court order for the destruction of the illegal drug. The destruction should be made not later than 72 hours after the court releases its directive. Source: Philippines News Agency