More than 60 journos join China’s exchange program

Business & Finance

BEIJING: More than 60 media practitioners from more than 50 countries, including the Philippines, are joining the China Asia Pacific Press Center's (CAPPC) exchange program for 2023 that began on Thursday.

Zou Benshuo, director of the China International Press Communications Center (CIPCC), said during the opening day of the exchange program that 69 journalists from 51 countries from Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central Europe are joining the four-month program.

The exchange program will allow participants to attend and cover two of the most important domestic events in China, referred to as the "two sessions," comprising the session of the National People’s Congress (NPC) – the highest organ of State power and China's top legislative body – on March 5, and the session of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) on March 4.

"This is a very important occasion in China," CAPPC director Yu Lei said about the sessions, which will cover political, economic, educational, and social issues.

The CPPCC, China's top political advisory body, holds consultative meetings, which are submitted as proposals for the NPC's consideration and action.

The NPC, made up of 2,977 deputies, will decide on major issues, as well as submit motions and speak up for the people it represents.

"We hope that you would get to know China better through the program that you will be attending," Lei said. "You are lucky because now China has lifted its restrictions and you will be able to see and experience China in full without limited movements unlike the participants in the last program in 2022."

The program will also include interviews during major domestic and diplomatic activities, attending national condition lectures and press training, a Chinese cultural experience, visits in and outside Beijing, and an internship in China's central media.

The exchange program is spearheaded by the China Public Diplomacy Association under the CIPCC.

In closing, Zuo said, "Seeing is believing. Have a full and nice trip in China.

Source: Philippines News Agency