
KUALA LUMPUR, The National Planetary Health Action Plan (NPHAP), aimed at integrating planetary health into national policies for a holistic approach to sustainability, is currently in development. Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Chang Lih Kang said the NPHAP is a mission-oriented plan adopting an all-of-Malaysia approach to ensure the health of the people, biodiversity and the planet. 'Malaysia is committed to attaining sustainability targets through several national policies and roadmaps that drive policy measures and actions to reduce carbon emissions, accelerate adoption of renewable energy technologies and enhance environmental conservation. 'The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) is pleased to see the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) taking a proactive approach to mainstreaming planetary health in our national science, technology, innovation and economy (STIE) landscape to ensure a healthy planet that will in turn ensure a healthy people, leading to harmony between h umanity and natural systems for shared prosperity,' he said. He said this in his opening remarks at the National Dialogue on Planetary Health: The Interconnectivity of Humans, Planet and Prosperity here today. Chang said the concept of planetary health is rooted in the understanding that human health and civilisation depend on the health of natural systems, and therefore, the National Science Council mandated MOSTI and ASM to develop the integrated NPHAP in 2022. He said MOSTI's commitment extends through the implementation of the Five National Technology Roadmaps, which focus on sectors critical to planetary health, such as green technology, electrical and electronics, food technology, transportation technology, and healthcare services. 'By developing and deploying technologies that reduce environmental impacts, we are proactively addressing climate change, promoting sustainable agricultural practices and advancing eco-friendly transportation solutions,' he said, adding that these efforts not only contri bute to reducing Malaysia's carbon footprint but also enhance public health outcomes and ensure food security. Chang said the NPHAP's value proposition lies in its ability to foster collaboration across sectors, integrate traditional and modern knowledge, and provide an impact tracking system framework and environmental genomics database framework, as it aims to ensure a healthier planet and improved quality of life for all. He also said the National Dialogue on Planetary Health is crucial for discussing planetary health and collective responsibility in ensuring its sustainability with all stakeholders towards the implementation of NPHAP. ASM president, Datuk Dr Tengku Mohd Azzman Shariffadeen, in his welcoming remarks at the event said post-normal science, based on a set of norms that truly reflect realities, needs to be developed to enable us to deal effectively and wisely with planetary health. 'This is an agenda where ASM can take the lead and all of us here today have a role in determining the direct ion that it will take. After all, post-normal science will be part and parcel of an integrated system of human knowledge. 'Holistic knowledge is urgently needed to establish new ideas about what it means for human societies to develop and progress. Only then, can we hope to develop in harmony with the natural world,' he said. Meanwhile, NPHAP chairperson Prof Emerita Datuk Dr Asma Ismail, when met at the sidelines of the event, said the plan aims, among other things, to create a mindset change among the people regarding planetary health and its impacts, as well as to integrate the action plan holistically. 'Planetary health is interconnected to human health. It is not only about taking care of the environment but understanding that a healthy planet will, in turn, ensure healthy people, not the other way around. '… the journey (for the plan's execution) cannot happen overnight, as we need to create awareness among people and firms about planetary health. This takes time and the correct way of educating the masses,' she said. The NPHAP Dialogue today gathered representatives from government, industry, academia, and civil society to obtain input and suggestions for integrating traditional and modern knowledge in positioning Malaysia as a leader in the global pursuit of planetary health. Source: BERNAMA News Agency