Ormoc City plebiscite peaceful, orderly: Comelec


The Commission on Elections (Comelec) said the Ormoc City plebiscite held on Saturday was peaceful and orderly.


“The plebiscite was very organized. You can see the beautiful smiles of our countrymen and that’s all, it’s very comforting for us at the Commission on Elections,” said Comelec chairperson George Garcia in a statement.


At the same time, he congratulated all stakeholders, from the uniformed personnel, the election supervisors, the local government officials, and the voters themselves for making the holding of the plebiscite a success.


But beyond the poll’s result, he noted the importance of what transpired in Ormoc City on Oct. 8, 2022.


“Whatever will happen, whether the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ vote will win, it doesn’t really matter,” the poll body chief said. “What’s important is that the people who are involved were able to express their sentiments, to express their feelings. Because in the final analysis, what is at stake here is the future of the city.”


He also acknowledged the presence of the media, which serve as Comelec’s partners for the dissemination of legitimate news and information to the public.


“Our brothers and sisters in the media who always cover and provide the real events. That’s the most important thing so that fake news won’t prevail, only what’s true, that’s all our countrymen will hear about,” he said.


Aside from Garcia, majority of the members of the en banc — Commissioners Socorro Inting, Aimee Ferolino and Rey Bulay — were present in Ormoc City.


The plebiscite will decide if the over 10,000 voters will approve or not the creation of three barangays that will be known as Barangays South, East, and West.


It will also approve or not the renaming of one barangay as Barangay North.


The result of the plebiscite is expected to be known before midnight


Source: Philippines News Agency


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