
LABUAN, Secondary school students in Labuan embarked on a journey of discovery as they delved into the world of PETRONAS, the Malaysian national oil company, on the occasion of its 50th Anniversary. At least 300 science stream students from 10 secondary schools in the duty-free island benefited from the PETRONAS' Discover PETRONAS @Schools program, aimed at offering insights into the company's core activities, vision, mission, career opportunities, and scholarships. The one-day program, held in conjunction with PETRONAS' milestone celebration, sought to ignite students' passion for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). Interactive career forums, booths, and experimental learning sessions were organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Education (MoE), Petrosains, and TVET institutions under the PETRONAS Vocational Institutions Sponsorship and Training Assistance (VISTA) programme. Students actively engaged in the program, seizing the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge about PETRONAS' future prospects, career pathways, and tertiary education offerings. Hidayatul Muqtaqim Hamka, 17, from the Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP) Religious Secondary School expressed gratitude for the exposure that the programme provided, especially for students who excelled in their studies. "As a science stream student, this programme benefited me by expanding my understanding of petrochemicals and the opportunities that PETRONAS can offer. 'I'm hopeful for a scholarship from PETRONAS…however, I understand the importance of diligently studying to achieve outstanding results," he told Bernama today. Nur Hanim Amira Jeramin, also 17, echoed a similar sentiment, acknowledging the newfound information and understanding she gained about PETRONAS and the benefits it provides to students. "I knew nothing about PETRONAS before attending the programme, but now I have a better understanding of this national oil company and the o pportunities it presents. "As a matter of fact, my understanding of PETRONAS was limited to petrol stations and gas for cooking…however, after learning more about this national company, I'm beginning to develop an interest in the oil and gas industry," she said. For Nur Ain Abdul, 17, from SMK Taman Perumahan Bedaun, the programme served as a gateway to exploring tertiary education at University Petronas. "Today's programme opened my eyes to the possibilities at the university. My aim now is to excel in my studies so as to enrol there and secure a promising future. 'After delving into the career opportunities at PETRONAS, I've resolved to pursue a path in the oil and gas sector, with a focused aspiration to contribute to upstream operations or offshore endeavours," she said. The highlight of the day was a career experiential sharing session by PETRONAS Senior Vice President of Malaysia Petroleum Management Datuk Ir Bacho Pilong, who emphasized the company's pivotal role in driving societal progress and n urturing talent. Hailing from Sebatik Island in Sabah, Ir Bacho is a testament to PETRONAS' commitment to developing future leaders, having benefited from the company's education sponsorship program himself. "Our 50th anniversary is a reaffirmation of our commitment to cultivating the potential of tomorrow's leaders," stated Datuk Ir Bacho, who graduated with a Degree in Chemical Engineering from The University of Texas, Austin in 1987, thanks to PETRONAS' sponsorship. "By launching our torch here at Discover PETRONAS @Schools, we aim to empower young minds to dream big and strive for greatness," he said. The PETRONAS' Discover PETRONAS @Schools program serves as a beacon of inspiration for Labuan's youth, igniting their passion for STEM and guiding them towards a future brimming with opportunities. Source: BERNAMA News Agency