Slim Village Residents Moved To Tears As Bailey Bridge Opens For Public Use


TANJONG MALIM, Relieved and happy, these were the feelings expressed by residents of Kampung Slim, Slim River, when the Bailey bridge on Jalan Slim River-Behrang Hulu was completed and opened for public use yesterday. The old Slim River bridge had collapsed due to a water surge on Aug 23, significantly impacting the local community, as many residents found their access to Slim Village and Behrang Town cut off. K. Ramadass, a 53-year-old grocery shop owner in Slim Village, noted that regular customers were moved to tears upon the 'reunion' yesterday after 27 days apart due to the bridge collapse. 'Customers came in and couldn't hold back their tears of joy. We hadn't seen each other for 27 days, and some were even crying from missing the convenience of shopping for essentials in Slim Village, which is the easiest access point for local residents,' said the father of three daughters when met by Bernama today. He added that residents were eager to use the new Bailey bridge, gathering around 5 pm yesterday b efore it was officially opened to the public. Ramadass said that his grocery store was flooded with customers from the local community in Kampung Slim yesterday, following the opening of the Bailey bridge. 'It's such a relief. Around 4.30 pm, customers started gathering at the bridge, and by 5 pm, my shop was already packed. In my 34 years of business here, I've never experienced anything like this,' he said. He noted that during the 27 days the road was closed due to the bridge collapse, his business suffered a severe 70 per cent decline but hopes the new bridge will be of higher quality and more durable. Meanwhile, a resident of Kampung Lintah, Nurhanisah Ab Rahim, 36, shared that she could only work in a school canteen to support her family after the bridge collapse but now, she can resume her real job as a shop assistant. 'Oh, how wonderful it is (since the Bailey bridge opened for public use). Our town is lively again, and my children can easily get to school now, unlike before when they had to be t aken to a different school further away in Behrang,' she said. Source: BERNAMA News Agency