
KUALA LUMPUR, The Dewan Negara's First Meeting of the Third Session of the 15th Parliament concluded today after a three-week sitting since March 18, which saw the approval of 17 bills. During the session, the Senate approved, among others, the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Amendment) Bill 2023, the Supplementary Supply (2023) 2024 Bill, the Supply (Reallocation of Appropriated Expenditure) Bill 2024, the Universities and University Colleges (Amendment) Bill 2023, and the Cyber Security Bill 2024. Also approved were the Unclaimed Moneys (Amendment) Bill 2024, the Income Tax (Amendment) Bill 2024, the Police (Amendment) Bill 2024, the Environmental Quality (Amendment) Bill 2023, the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Bill 2023, and the Electricity Supply (Amendment) Bill 2023. Senate president Datuk Mutang Tagal, in his closing speech, said that his first session as the Senate president also made history when a substantive amendment at the Committee stage of the Dewan Negara was agreed upon. "This r eflects the competency of this august House in playing a check-and-balance role in the country's legislative process. Congratulations to all involved in this process, especially all honourable senators," he said. Mutang said the very active and committed participation of senators in the debate on the motion of thanks for the royal address and bills was very commendable, enhancing the credibility of the Senate and opening the public's eyes that this House is not merely a 'rubber stamp'. A total of 52 senators participated in the debate on the royal address, touching on national and people-oriented issues involving 28 ministries, including the Prime Minister's Department. "A total of 46 individuals, or about 87 per cent of members, participated in the debate on the 17 bills that were approved," he said. Meanwhile, Mutang also extended his wishes for a joyful Aidilfitri celebration with family and loved ones for those who are Muslim. "I suggest that we all intensify the spirit of goodwill among us by visiti ng each other during this festive season," he said. Source: BERNAMA News Agency