Man’s life turns upside down after harrowing accident, family struggles with medical cost


KUALA NERUS, A young man from Kampung Kuala Tepuh has had his life drastically turned upside down after a concrete wall collapsed on him while he was repairing a mosque five months ago, leaving him bedridden with his intestines exposed. The incident on Feb 11, caused Abdul Mukmin Awang, 34, to suffer severe injuries including ruptured intestines and bladder, a fractured hip and complications to his liver and lungs. Previously a mechanic, Abdul Mukmin was assisting his father with repairs at a mosque in Kampung Buluh Gading near Manir in Kuala Terengganu when the accident occurred. 'As a result of the accident, I have undergone three surgeries: one for an insertion of a metal in my hip, another to remove damaged intestines and a third to create an opening in my bladder. Another surgery is needed to reinsert my intestines, but this will only happen once the doctors are confident of my health condition. 'At the moment, my movements are extremely limited, and I am confined to the bed with the ruptured intest ines placed in a plastic bag attached to my abdomen. Additionally, I have a tube for urinary drainage,' he said from his home in Kampung Kuala Tepuh. The daily routine of Abdul Mukmin, still single, is now entirely managed by his mother, Zaliha Chik, 61, with additional support from his siblings. As the third child of nine siblings, Abdul Mukmin feels disheartened as he can no longer work to support his family and has to rely on his father, Awang Embong, 60, who now sustains the family with a modest income from working as a handyman. Although Abdul Mukmin receives RM200 in aid from the Department of Social Welfare and his mother receives RM500 as a caregiver, this financial support is insufficient to cover the monthly medical and personal care expenses of around RM2,000. This includes cost for travel to the Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital in Kuala Terengganu, diapers, medication and other special needs. Those who wish to contribute or need further information can contact Abdul Mukmin at 017-9273477. Sourc e: BERNAMA News Agency