Melaka Will Not Compromise Heretical Teachings – Ab Rauf


MELAKA, The state government will not compromise with any movements that violate procedures, Syariah law, or Islamic faith, said Melaka chief minister Datuk Seri Ab Rauf Yusoh. Ab Rauf said that, although no reports have been received concerning Global Ikhwan Services and Business Holdings Sdn Bhd (GISBH) being investigated following Op Global in the state, his office, through the Melaka Islamic Religious Council, continuously monitors the situation. "On behalf of the state government, we have no objections if there are matters that need to be studied, reviewed, detailed and recommendations made for action or otherwise," he said after officiating at the closing ceremony and Special Maulidur Rasul 1446 Hijrah Awards presentation at Dataran Pusat Islam, Bukit Palah, here today. At the same time, his office will request the Melaka Islamic Religious Department (JAIM) and the state Mufti to issue a fatwa through the state syariah advisory committee if there are elements of deviant teachings related to GISB in Melaka. Meanwhile, the Mufti of Melaka, Datuk Abdul Halim Tawil, urged Muslims, especially parents, to always monitor the activities of their family members to look for any signs of heretical influences among them. "The Islamic Religious Council and the enforcement division closely monitors the spread of heretical teachings because we believe that, although the issue may not be prevalent or developing in Melaka, it is possible that there are followers of such teachings based in this state, and that is very concerning. "Therefore, we call on family members and the community to provide information and report any doubts regarding certain groups, especially if their teachings or methods are overly secretive or contain elements of heretical beliefs. "This information is crucial to enable the authorities to conduct investigations and take appropriate action," he said.